You asked, we answered
Our FAQs provide comprehensive information about sexual abuse resources and support, including definitions of sexual abuse, available services, and information about how to get help. We strive to provide accurate and helpful answers to commonly asked questions about sexual abuse, as well as links to additional resources. Our FAQs cover topics such as understanding consent, how to recognize signs of abuse, and what to do if you or someone you know is a victim of sexual abuse. We also provide information about legal rights and options for survivors of sexual abuse. Our FAQs are regularly updated to ensure that we are providing the most up-to-date, accurate, and helpful information possible.

Can I have my order gift wrapped?
Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful, write clearly and concisely, and consider adding written as well as visual examples. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand the answer.

Do you sell gift cards?
Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful, write clearly and concisely, and consider adding written as well as visual examples. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand the answer.

What payment methods do you accept?
Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful, write clearly and concisely, and consider adding written as well as visual examples. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand the answer.